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Geometria Sagrada 3 (Ingles)

Robert Lawlor - Sacred Geometry.pd
0096. Fulcanelli - Le Mystère des Cathédrales.pdf               
0534. Lubicz - The Temple in Man.pdf                            
0720. Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements III vols.rar          
1269. Winter - Alphabet of the Earth.pdf                        
1271. Mulcahy - The Hexagonal Geometry of the Tree of Life.pdf  
1289. Livio - The Golden Ratio.pdf                              
1301. Wikinski - Mer-Ka-Ba.pdf                                   
1365. Oliver - The Pythagorean Triangle.pdf                     
1383. Pennick - Geometria Sagrada.pdf                           
1564. Lethaby - Architectvre, Mysticism and Myth.pdf            
Lawlor Robert - Sacred Geometry Philosophy And Practice.pdf     
Robert Lawlor - Sacred Geometry.pdf   https://mega.nz/#!IJ40gQiY!vYJYBVKeYdO4zoVGhboa8iywd1XFHQp5dlJFF6J2po8

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