0115. Simon - Papal Magic.pdf
0165. Hans Jonas - The Gnostic Religion.rar
0171. Lacarrière - The Gnostics.pdf
0190. Mead - The Gnosis of The Mind.pdf
0191. Mead - The Gnostic Crucifixion.pdf
0193. Mead - The Hymn of the Robe of Glory.pdf
0205. Begley - Biblia Cabalistica.pdf
0314. Mead - Apollonius of Tyana.pdf
0315. Mead - The Doctrine of the Suptle Body.pdf
0316. Mead - The Hymns of Hermes.pdf
0362. Oosters - Smitskamp Oriental Antiquarium.pdf
0473. Newman - The Life of Apollonius of Tyanaeus.pdf
0671. Steiner - Christianity as Mystical Fact.pdf
0759. Waite - The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal.pdf
0860. Williams - Rethinking Gnosticism.pdf
0880. Knohl - The Messiah before Jesus.pdf
1034. Cosani - O Vôo da Serpente Emplumada.pdf
1062. Picknett & Prince - The Templar Revelation.pdf
1209. Gee - Forbidden Gospels.pdf
1219. Pagels - The Gnostic Gospels.pdf
1344. Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln - O Santo Graal e a Linhagem Secreta.pdf
1345. Baigent - Os Manuscritos de Jesus.pdf
1369. R'eville - Apollonius of Tyana.pdf
1389. Laurence - The Book of Enoch The Prophet.pdf
1541. Whewell - History of the Inductive Sciences.pdf
1543. Barnstone & Meyer - The Gnostic Bible.pdf
1627. Freke & Gandy - The Jesus Mysteries.pdf
1815. Perry - Book of Jasher.pdf
1816. Parsons - The Non-Christian Cross.pdf
1848. Hatchard & Besant - The Jesus of The Gospels & The Influence of Christianity.pdf
1849. Besant - Esoteric Christianity or Lesser Mysteries.pdf
1874. Louth - The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition.pdf
1875. Drower - Diwan Abatur.pdf
1876. Drower - The Haran Gawaita and The Baptism of Hibil Ziwa.pdf
1877. Drower - The Secret Adam.pdf
1907. Olsen - The Templar Papers.pdf
C.W. King - Gnostics and their Remains.pdf
Corpus Hermetica - Mead translation.pdf
G.R.S. Mead - The Hymns of Hermes.pdf
G.R.S.Mead - Pistis Sophia.pdf
Gnostic Theurgy.pdf
Mead, G.R.S. - Hechos en torno a la Doctrina Secreta.pdf
Mead - El alma del mundo.pdf
Mead - El problema del cuarto evangelio.pdf
Mead - Jesus Balaam.pdf
Mead - Jesus Ben Stada.pdf
Mead - Maria en el Talmud.pdf
Mead - Oraculos Caldeos.pdf
Mead - Significado de la Gnosis.pdf
Mead - Vida judia de Jesus.pdf
The Gnostics - The First Christian Heretics.pdf https://mega.co.nz/#!wIhBDZzB!k6We2oJpBvctiIKEZsY7-7VvTourR_oX1pI20mnEaIM
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