Dubay Eric - Flat Earth shill wall of shame
Hickson Gerard - Kings dethroned
Dubay Eric - 200 proofs earth is not a spinning ball
Old world maps Hidden land at the Arctic
Marrs Texe - Conspiracy world
Barrie Scott - In search of the edge
Birley Rowbotham Samuel - Earth not a globe
Blount Elizabeth - Smith Albert - Zetetic astronomy
Carpenter William - Is the Newtonian astronomy true
Carpenter William - One hundred proofs that the earth is not a globe
Chart and compass, sextant and sun-dial, latitude and longitude, plumbline and pendulum, globe or plane
Cook Frederick Henry - The terrestrial plane
De Lawrence Lauron William - La roue de Pythagore The wheel of Pythagoras
Dubay Eric - 200 preuves attestant que la Terre n’est pas une boule qui tourne
Dubay Eric - The flat-earth conspiracy
Dubay Eric - The Flat Earth Society is controlled opposition
Flat earth news - 1976-1994
Giannini F. Amadeo - Worlds beyond the poles
Gleason Alex - Is the bible from heaven Is the earth a globe
Henriet Gabrielle - Heaven and Earth
Knight Mark - Flat Earth advanced The moon fonction and cataclysm
Matsubara Shigeharu - The Earth does not move
Miletta Joseph R. - Propagation of electromagnetic fields over Flat Earth
Moore Michael S. - Astro carto graphy
Moray Thomas Henry - The sea of energy in which the Earth floats
Quinlan John Edward - The Earth a plane
Reed William - The phantom of the poles
Roff Andy - Examples and explanations for a Flat Earth
Scott David Wardlaw - Terra firma
Shenton Daniel - The Earth is flat
Shenton Samuel - The plane truth
Smith Albert - The sea-earth globe
Smith Karl A. - Is the earth a globe whirling in space
Winship Thomas - Zetetic cosmogony
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