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Esoteric Texts Collection

31 hymns to the star goddess who is not by XIII which is ACHAD.pdf
8 Sabbats of Witchcraft by Mike Nichols.pdf
A Dissertation on the Life and Theology of Orpheus by Thomas Taylor.rtf
A Manual of Occultism by Sepharial.pdf                     
A Road to Self Knowledge by Rudolf Steiner.pdf 
A Short Course in Scrying by Benjamin Rowe.pdf 
A Tarot History Timeline by Dame Gabby.pdf                                                      
An Open Entrance to the Closed Palace of the King by An Anonymous Sage and Lover of Truth.pdf
An Outline of Occult Science by Rudolf Steiner.pdf
Ancient and Modern Initiation by Max Heindel.pdf 
Anima Astrologiae by Guido Bonatus.pdf  
Aradia,or the Gospel of the Witches by Charles G. Leland.pdf       
Arbatel of Magick Translated by Robert Turner, 1655.pdf
Ars Almadel - Book 4 of the Lemegeton Transcribed from Sloane MS. 2731.pdf
Ars Notoria translated from Latin to English by Robert Turner 1657.pdf 
Art and Meaning of Magick by Israel Regardie.pdf
Astrology and Marriage by Sepharial.pdf      
Bhagavad Gita.pdf                                
Cat lore.pdf        
Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs, [1892].txt
Chalice of ecstacy by Frater Achad.pdf              
Choice Aphorisms edited by William Lilly 1675.pdf 
Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz Originally published in German in 1616..pdf
Concerning The More Certain Fundamentals of Astrology by Johannes Kepler.pdf
Confucian Canon.pdf                     
Cosmic Memory by Rudolf Steiner.pdf                                                             
Cosmology Religion and Philosophy by Rudolf Steiner.pdf                                         
Crystal Vision by Frater Achad.pdf                                                              
Dark Night Of The Soul by Saint John of the Cross.pdf                                            
DE ANGELIS HORARVM.rtf                                                                          
Dogma Et Rituel De La Haute Magie 1 by Eliphas Levi.pdf                                         
Dogma Et Rituel De La Haute Magie 2 by Eliphas Levi.pdf                                         
Egyptian Book Of The Dead , (Papyrus Of Ani) by E.A. Wallis Budge.pdf                           
Egyptian Ideas Of The Future Life by Sir Wallis Budge.pdf                                       
Egyptian Magic by Sir Wallis Budge.rtf                                                          
Egyptian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie.pdf                                                 
Egyptian Myths and Mysteries by Rudolf Steiner.pdf                                              
Egyptian Stories.rtf                                                                            
Element of the Qabalah by Eliphas Levi.pdf                                                      
Enochian Hexagram Ritual by Benjamin Rowe.pdf                                                   
Esoteric Texts Collection.zip                                                                    
Etheric Vision and What It Reveals by A Student.pdf                                             
Everburing Lamps of the Ancients by W. Wynn Westcott, Frater Roseae Crucis..pdf                 
Gardnerian book of shadows.pdf                                                                  
Gnostic Fragments-Gospel of Mary.rtf                                                            
Goetia The lesser Key of Solomon Book 1 of the Lemegeton.pdf                                     
Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus.pdf                                                      
Greater key of Solomon-Order of the pentacles.pdf                                               
Greater key of Solomon Book 1.pdf                                                                
Greater key of Solomon Book 2.pdf                                                               
Greater key of Solomon Book 3.pdf                                                               
Grimoire of Armadel by Frater Alastor.pdf                                                       
Grimoire of Honorius.pdf                                                                        
Grimoire of Turiel.pdf                                                                           
Grimoirium Verum.pdf                                                                            
Handbook of Egyptian Religion.pdf                                                               
Heptameron of Peter de Abano, philosopher.pdf                                                   
Hermetic arcanum - penes nos unda tagi..pdf                                                     
Hermetic Philosophy and Alchemy by Mary Anne Atwood.doc                                          
Idra Rabba Qadusha.pdf                                                                          
Idra Zuta Qadusha.pdf                                                                           
John Dee by Charlotte Fell Smith.pdf                                                             
Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne.txt                                           
Kabbala Denudata by S. L. Macgregor Mathers, translator.pdf                                     
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds by Rudolf Steiner.pdf                                            
Legends of the Gods by by E. A. Wallis Budge.pdf                                                
Libellus Magicus transcribed and edited by Stephen J. Zietz.pdf                                 
Lives of the Necromancers by William Godwin.pdf                                                 
Lucifer Ahriman Asuras by Rudolf Steiner.pdf                                                     
Moon Lore by Rev. Timothy Harley, F.R.A.S..txt                                                  
Mysteriorum Liber Primus by John Dee.pdf                                                        
Mysteriorum Liber Secundus by John Dee.pdf                                                      
Mysteriorum Liber Tertius by John Dee.pdf                                                       
Nightmare Tales by H. P. Blavatsky.pdf                                                           
Numbers - Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues by W. Wynn Westcott.pdf                         
Of Geomancy by Henry Cornelius Agrippa.pdf                                                      
Ordo R-R et AC by Arthur Edward Waite.pdf                                                        
Pentagram ritual by Benjamin Rowe.pdf                                                           
Pistis Sophia by G. R. S. Mead.txt                                                              
Primary Directions in Astrology by Sepharial.pdf                                                
Queen of Sheba and her only Son Menyelek by Sir E.A. Wallis Budge.pdf                           
Ritual of the Heptagram by Benjamin Rowe.pdf                                                     
Rosa Alchemica by W. B. Yeats.pdf                                                               
Secret Doctrine Study Course.pdf                                                                
Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians.pdf                                                          
Sefer ha-Yetzirah translated by Aryeh Kaplan.pdf                                                
Sepher Ha-Bahir translated by Aryeh Kaplan.pdf                                                   
Sepher Raziel.pdf                                                                               
Sepher Yetzirah translated from the Hebrew by W. Wynn Westcott).pdf                             
Sifra Detzniyutha.pdf                                                                            
Studies in Occultism by H.P. Blavatsky.pdf                                                      
Sun Lore of All Ages by William Tyler Olcott.txt                                                
Tables of the Angels1.rtf                                                                       
Tables of the Angels2.rtf                                                                       
Tao te Ching.pdf                                                                                
The Alexandrian Book of shadows.pdf                                                             
The Art of True Healing by Israel Regardie.pdf                                                   
The Basics of Magick by Amber K.pdf                                                             
The black pullett.pdf                                                                           
The Black Raven by Johannes Faust.pdf                                                           
The Book of Ceremonial Magic by Arthur Edward Waite.pdf                                         
The Book of Enoch.pdf                                                                            
The Book of Filial Duty translated from the Chinese by Ivan Chsn.txt                            
The book of gates.pdf                                                                           
The Book of Giants by By W. B. Henning.rtf                                                       
The Book of Odes by L. Cranmer-Byng.txt                                                         
The Book of Poetry by James Legge, D.D., LL.D..txt                                              
The Book of the Am Tuat.pdf                                                                     
The Chaldean Oracles by G.S.R. Mead.pdf                                                         
The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce.pdf                                                     
The Diamond Sutra (translated by A.F.Price and Wong Mou-Lam).pdf                                
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell by E. A. Wallis Budge.pdf                                          
The Egyptian Revival by Frater Achad.pdf                                                        
The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth translation and interpretation by Doreal.pdf                       
The Forty-Eight Angelical Keys or Calls by G.H. FRATER D.D.C.F..rtf                              
THE FORTY-EIGHT ANGELICAL KEYS OR CALLS.rtf                                                     
The God of the Witches by Margaret Alice Murray.pdf                                             
The Golden Chain of Homer by Anton Josef Kirchweger.pdf                                         
The Grand Grimoire - Dark Lodge version.pdf                                                     
The Hieroglyphic Monad by John Dee.pdf                                                          
The Key To Theosophy by H.P. Blavatsky.pdf                                                      
The Light of Egypt Thomas H. Burgoyne.rtf                                                       
The Madman by Kahlil Gibran.pdf                                                                  
The Magical Ritual of the Sanctum Regnum.pdf                                                    
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake.pdf                                            
The Message of the stars by Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel.pdf                            
The mystery cult of isis.pdf                                                                    
The Nemesis Conjuration.rtf                                                                      
The Odyssey of Homer translated by Samuel Butler.txt                                            
The Orphic Hymn to Dionysos.rtf                                                                 
The Orphic Hymn to Hekatê.rtf                                                                   
The Pauline Art-Book 3 of the Lemegeton.pdf                                                     
The Philosophers Stone by Israel Regardie.pdf                                                    
The Pictorial Symbols of Alchemy by Arthur Edward Waite.pdf                                     
The Prophet by Khalil Gibran.pdf                                                                
The Qabalistical Invocation of Solomon by Eliphaz Lévi.rtf                                      
The Rosicrucian Manifestos Originally published anonymously in 1615 and 1616..pdf                
The Rosicrucian Mysteries by Max Heindel.pdf                                                    
The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage Book 1 translated by S.L. Mac Gregor Mathers.pdf
The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage Book 2 translated by S.L. Mac Gregor Mathers.pdf
The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage Book 3 translated by S.L. Mac Gregor Mathers.pdf
The Secret Book of Artephius.pdf                                                                
The Secret Doctrine - 1 Cosmogenesis by H.P. Blavatsky.pdf                                      
The Secret Doctrine - 2 Anthropogenesis by H.P. Blavatsky.pdf                                   
The Six Keys of Eudoxus.pdf                                                                     
The Sword of Moses translated by M. Gaster, 1896.pdf                                            
The Syrian Goddess by Professor Herbert A. Strong, M.A. LL.D.txt                                
The Testament of Solomon translated by F. C. Conybeare.pdf                                      
The Upanishads, Part 1 translated by F. Max Muller.txt                                           
The Upanishads, Part 2 translated by F. Max Muller.txt                                          
The Veil of Isis - Armstrong.pdf                                                                
The Veil of Isis or Mysteries of the Druids By Winwood Reade 1861.pdf                           
The Voice of the Silence by H.P. Blavatsky.pdf                                                  
Theurgia Goetia Book 2 of the Lemegeton.pdf                                                     
Three Books of Occult Philosophy 1 by Henry Cornelius Agrippa,.pdf                              
Three Books of Occult Philosophy 2 by Henry Cornelius Agrippa,.pdf                              
Three Books of Occult Philosophy 3 by Henry Cornelius Agrippa,.pdf                              
Three Books of Occult Philosophy 4 by Henry Cornelius Agrippa,.pdf                              
To the Goddess Prothyraea.rtf                                                                   
To Venus - A Hymn.rtf                                                                            
Triumphant Chariot of Antimony by Basil Valentine.pdf                                           
Twelve Keys by Basil Valentine.pdf                                                               
Westcott Lecture by by V.H. Frater Sapere Aude - (Dr. W. Wynn Westcott).pdf                     
What is Alchemy by A.E. Waite.pdf                                                               
Within the Temple of Isis by Belle M. Wagner.rtf        

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